Paying your Fees
To view and print your fee estimate, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This software can be downloaded from the Adobe website. Click on ‘Get Adobe Reader’ and follow the instructions for downloading.For instructions on how t...
If you withdraw and are eligible for a refund, it will be automatically initiated for you. If you have a credit on your student account (i.e., a negative balance) and would like to request a refund, complete this form. For more information, see the With...
To access your fee estimate:Login to myStudent CentreClick on the Financial Account tile in your dashboardIn the left-hand sidebar, click on View My Fee EstimateClick the Print button to view / download your fee estimateIf you have followed the above st...
You can pay your tuition deposit and tuition fees using one of the following payment options: CIBC Student PayBank wire transfer through CIBC Student PayOnline or in-person bankingIt can take up to five business days for your payment to reach Sheridan. ...
Your Account Summary is viewable in MyStudent Centre and itemizes the charges, payments and refunds that have been posted to your account. Charges are posted to your Account Summary after your schedule is released, and you’re registered in courses.As a ...
To access your fee receipt:Login to myStudent CentreClick on the Financial Account tile in your dashboardIn the left-hand sidebar, click on View my ReceiptsReceipts can be downloaded by selecting the Print icon beside the receipt you would like to view ...
Students enrolled in 70% or more of the required credits or 2/3 (66.7%) or more of the required courses for their program in each term are studying full-time.Estimated full-time academic fees are posted online each academic year. Information regarding d...
Tuition fee payments for most students are due the last day of the first month of the term. OSAP recipients have until the 14th of the second month of the term to pay their fees in full. For tuition deadlines, visit the Fee Deadlines page. First year in...
Full-time and part-time new and returning domestic students, along with returning international students, who are enrolled in a postsecondary program for the Fall 2024 term, are eligible to take advantage of the payment plan.*Note: students with outstan...
Domestic students and returning international students must pay a tuition deposit once per academic year and when they start a new program. You cannot enrol in courses until you have paid your tuition deposit for the academic year. For tuition deposit d...
You can pay your tuition deposit and tuition fees using one of the following payment options: CIBC Student PayBank wire transfer through CIBC Student PayOnline or in-person banking It can take up to five business days for your payment to reach Sheridan...
You can contact to discuss your outstanding balance and the possibility of setting up a financial fee arrangement.Sheridan may offer you a financial fee arrangement for your outstanding balance; however, your account will rem...
Charges are posted to your Account Summary after your schedule is released and you've enrolled in courses.To view your Account Summary:Login to myStudent CentreClick on Financial Account in your dashboardIn the left-hand sidebar, click View My Account S...
Refunds are typically issued within six weeks; however, processing times may vary depending on volume.
If you are enrolled in less than 70% of the required credits in your semester and in less than 66.67% (2/3) of the required courses in your semester, you are considered a part-time student.Part-time students are charged tuition and ancillary fees on a p...
Once your payment is received, you will be notified by e-mail. You will also be able to view your receipt in myStudent Centre.
Yes, if you don't pay your fees in full by the payment deadline, you will be charged a non-refundable $150 late fee.Visit Sheridan's Academic Calendar for important dates.
Tuition Deposit:All students are required to pay a non-refundable deposit at certain times during their program. This deposit informs us that you intend to register for courses and prompts us to give you access to the system. Deposit amounts change depe...
You can check your account summary for up-to-date details regarding your fees and payments. You can view your account summary in myStudentCentre under Finances.Access your account summary following these steps:Login to myStudent CentreClick on Financial...
CIBC’s student pay portal supports international payments at a preferred currency rate. To make a payment through CIBC’s Student Pay, visit and sign in using your Sheridan login information. Visit our FAQ page for more informatio...
Ancillary fees support services and activities across the college and are separate from tuition fees. These fees are mandatory, and students do not have the option to opt-out.For more information, visit the Ancillary Fees webpage. Please note that all f...
Your fee estimate reflects the fees charged for your program. It is for informational purposes only and should only be used for estimating what your fees may be. It is NOT an invoice or statement of account.For information on when your fees are due, vis...
Yes. Instead of paying the first semester fees, a non-refundable deposit of $2,000 CAD is now required.
Effective July 2024, Sheridan College has changed the deposit amount required for international students residing in Canada with a Study Permit, Work...
Sheridan does not control the foreign exchange rate that is applied to the Canadian value of your refund, nor does Sheridan have any control regarding bank fees that may be charged by beneficiary or intermediary banks. For more information, you may reac...
Payments made through CIBC’s student pay portal must be refunded through the portal to the original account used to make the payment. All refunds issued through CIBC’s student pay portal are subject to a 1% service fee charged by CIBC, which is deducted...
New Students
Paying your tuition deposit by the posted deadline will ensure your seat is held for you in your program.
Returning Students
Paying your tuition deposit by the posted deadline ensures that you are able to register in the courses you need. P...
Your fee estimate in myStudent Centre does not include fee information for your health and dental coverage. For information regarding coverage costs, visit our Health and Dental Plan page.
Fee estimates are not available for part-time students. As a part-time student, you are charged tuition and ancillary fees on a per credit basis. These fees will be added to your Account Summary after the registration period ends.For more information ab...
This will depend on the program you’re enrolling into:Programs with seat availability: Extension PossiblePrograms that are oversubscribed: Extension Not Possible – your outstanding offer will expire