Explore Programs
Program Information
You can search our programs by area of interest, campus, credentials, and faculty to find the program that best fits you. Once you have selected a program, you may view the admission requirements, fees, learning outcomes and more! To view a full list of...
Career Advising Services for Future Students
Deciding what program to take can be tough, and not being able to visit our campuses during the COVID-19 pandemic can make it even tougher. Our Career Advisers are here to help! Chat with us over the phone or by video conference. We’ll help you narrow d...
How much will my program cost?
On the main Sheridan website, you can find estimates for all programs currently being offered.Find the program you are interested inClick on the tab "Fees Financial Aid"On the page you will now see in blue font "Fees for Canadian students" and "Fees fo...
Do you offer continuing education programs?
Yes, we offer a wide range of continuing education and professional studies programs.Visit caps.sheridancollege.ca for more information or you can emailor call our Opportunity Centre at 905-874-4440.
How can I see if a program is available for enrolment?
On the main Sheridan website, you can find estimates for all programs currently being offered.Find the program you are interested inScroll down the page until you see Program availabilityIn this chart, you will see:the start date (month/year)which campu...