Explore Campus
How do I get a locker on campus?
Looking to rent a locker on campus? Visit the Lockers Rental page on Sheridan Central to learn more.Feel free to pick your own locker, but we recommend picking two to three options in case your first choice is already taken. Happy locker hunting!
Campus Locations
Davis Campus (Brampton) Maps Directions7899 McLaughlin Road Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5H9Get Directions on Google Maps - Find the best route to Davis Campus from wherever you are.View map of Davis Campus (PDF) - Looking for a particular building or wing? T...
Inclement Weather
Sheridan will notify students about weather closures on the following communication channels:The sheridancollege.ca homepage (look for the dark blue bar along the top of the page)Sheridan’s Twitter pageSheridan’s Facebook pageYour Sheridan email account...
How much does parking cost?
Please visit the Parking Services page on Sheridan Central to learn more about parking options on campus and parking passes.