Academic Advising
Full-time students who have paid fees for the current or upcoming term may request a letter of enrolment through myStudent Centre. These letters are available at the end of the first week of classes. Full-time students requiring a Letter of Enrolment/Co...
Student Advisement helps you get started at Sheridan and stay on track with your educational plan and goals. It’s your first point of contact whenever you need advice, answers, and support. You can seek advice/Student Advisement when: You have questions...
New StudentsYou are considered a new student if it is before day 10 of your first-year, first-semester. If you decide not to attend Sheridan after paying your fee deposit or declaring your intent to register, you will need to formally withdraw by day 10...
What is Academic Standing?Academic Standing is the standard used to determine or measure a student’s eligibility to remain and/or progress in a program. Designations include Good Standing, Graduation Warning, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension....
International Students
Use this form to request a change to another program/campus within the same term by Day 5 of the 1st semester.
Please note, a CAD $100 application fee will be charged for approved changes.
Domestic Students
For new domestic studen...
Full-timeStudents are considered full-time if they take 70% or more of the required credits or 2/3 or more of the required courses for their program in each term.Part-timeIf you are enrolled in less than 70% of the required credits in your semester and ...
An academic integrity breach is given when a student is found to be in violation of Sheridan’s Academic Integrity policy. The following are examples of academic integrity breaches:CheatingPlagiarismImpersonationImproper research practiceFalsification or...
If you are at risk of failing a class, the first thing you can do is to reach out to your professors to gain an understanding your progress in the class (i.e., are you on track to pass the course with your current grades, what is the passing criteria, e...
If you are thinking about dropping a course(s), there are a few things to keep in mind:How dropping courses can affect your OSAP (if you are a domestic student)Whether the course you are thinking of dropping is a prerequisite for a course offered in a f...
Students are considered full-time if they take 70% or more of the required credits or 2/3 or moreof the required courses for their program in each term. Please note that OSAP considers full-time to be 60% or more of a full course load or 40% or more fo...
You can find out what the last day to drop a class is on the Important Academic Dates page. Please consult with your Student Advisor prior to dropping a course.
If it has been two or more consecutive semesters since you have been away and you are looking to return, you will need to be readmitted back into the program if space is available. To learn about the program readmission process, please contact Student A...